Skills4future: Al treilea workshop privind îmbunătăţirea stagiului de practică în cadrul programului de studii Business şi Administrare

La 20 februarie 2025 în cadrul departamentului de Management și Antreprenoriat, FBAA, ASEM a fost organizat un Follow-up Workshop dedicat îmbunătățirii stagiilor de practică și dezvoltării competențelor STEAM pentru studenții programului de licență în Business și Administrare. Workshopul a inclus o serie de întâlniri cu reprezentanții mediului de afaceri, care au împărtășit din experiența lor valoroasă și au identificat competențele esențiale ce trebuie dezvoltate la studenți, pentru a face față tendințelor din businessul modern.

La eveniment au participat studenții anului 3 din cadrul programului BA, cadre didactice, reprezentanți din mediul de afaceri. În cuvântul de salut, Gheorghe Țurcan, conf. univ., dr. a subliniat importanța dezvoltării competențelor STEAM pentru a asigura succesul studenților în carierele lor ulterioare.

Studenții, care au participat la eveniment au adus în discuție detaliile practice și situații concrete întâlnite, dezvăluind de asemenea așteptările lor de la stagiile din cadrul companiilor. La eveniment au participat parteneri din mediul de afaceri: Intact General Insurance S.A, Ultra Distribution SRL, Sidal Grup SRL, etc.

Acest eveniment a fost parte a proiectului Erasmus + EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2, “Skills4future – Developing and improving the STEAM skills of students and teachers for curriculum innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local businesses”.

Skills4future: Third follow-up workshop on improving the internship within the Business and Administration study program

On February 20, 2025, within the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, FBAA, ASEM, a Follow-up Workshop was organized dedicated to improving internships and developing STEAM skills for students of the Bachelor’s degree program in Business and Administration. The workshop included a series of meetings with representatives of the business environment, who shared their valuable experience and identified the essential skills that need to be developed in students, in order to cope with modern business trends.

The event was attended by 3rd year students of the BA program, teaching staff, representatives from the business environment. In his welcoming speech, Gheorghe Țurcanu, associate professor, PhD, emphasized the importance of developing STEAM skills to ensure the success of students in their future careers.

The students who participated in the event brought up the practical details and concrete situations encountered, also revealing their expectations from the internships in the companies. The event was attended by business partners: Intact General Insurance S.A, Ultra Distribution SRL, Sidal Grup SRL, etc.

This event was part of the Erasmus + EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 project, “Skills4future – Developing and improving the STEAM skills of students and teachers for curriculum innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local businesses”.