Pe data de 26.04.2024, Departamentul de Management și Antreprenoriat, FBAA, ASEM, a organizat o prezentare preventivă a cercetărilor realizate de către studenții anului III în cadrul elaborării tezelor de licență.
Analizele studenților au fost axate pe mai multe domenii: economic, social și ambiental, remarcându-se prin complexitate și seriozitate. Ei au reușit să convingă participanții la eveniment despre importanța subiectelor abordate, au demonstrat un nivel avansat în elaborarea tezelor de licență și au dezvoltat abilități de prezentare a unor lucrări științifice.
Evenimentul a fost organizat în cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ “Skills4future – Developing and improving the STEAM skills of students and teachers for curriculum innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local businesses”. La eveniment au participat reprezentanți din mediul de afaceri, cadre didactice și studenți de la programul de studiu Business și Administrare.
On 26.04.2024, the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, FBAA, ASEM, organized a preventive presentation of the research carried out by the students of the third year in the framework of the elaboration of the bachelor’s theses.
The students’ analyses were focused on several fields: economic, social and environmental, standing out for their complexity and seriousness. They managed to convince the participants of the event about the importance of the topics addressed, demonstrated an advanced level in the elaboration of bachelor’s theses and developed skills in presenting scientific papers.
The event was organized within the Erasmus+ project “Skills4future – Developing and improving the STEAM skills of students and teachers for curriculum innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local businesses”. The event was attended by representatives from the business environment, teaching staff and students from the Business and Administration study program.